Category Archives: Xile News

Building A Quadcopter

I have been working on building a custom Quad Copter with parts ordered from Hobby King.


Materials List:


Wiring The Remote

The list below is the current way I have the remote wired to the flight controller.

  • AIL – CH1
  • ELE – CH2
  • THR – CH3
  • RUD – CH4
  • AUX –  CH6

WIRELESS RECEIVER receiver wireing


Wiring the Quad

speed controller


Remote Configuration

The picture below is how I have the remote configured.

remote KK2 Trim Setting

A Look Ahead

My first large project How-To has been published and I am already looking at my next project. I will continue to update the Arduino Powered Remote Controlled Robot post to make it more clear and easy to follow. I also plan to post some small troubleshooting tutorials centered around some issues I encountered working on the project.

Next, I have set my sights on a Built-From-Scratch quadcopter. I hope to use the Open Beam system as the rig and some real RC quality motors and flight controllers. I will post updates on that project when it gets underway.



New Site Upgrade

I have been going through some upgrades to make it easier to posts about new projects so I decided to go with a web site that would faciliate sharing ideas and new projects. I hope you enjoy the new format we develop to share projects and ideas.

i have been tinkering for a while and finally have the time to post some things I have been working on. You will see them slowly start appearing here soon. .